Yesterday I woke up on the correct side of the proverbial bed: things were good, I was productive. And today? I stumbled out from the wrong side. Besides the fact that I have minutes to type up and distribute from last night's meeting, two e-newsletters to edit, a payroll tax form to figure and file, and an explosion of too-big/too-small clothes to finish sorting, I didn't think I felt overwhelmed. But apparently I Not exactly a spiritual response to the day!
...and then I remembered that it's Tuesday.
I groaned and didn't think I'd find anything redemptive about this long day, but sighed and dutifully started looking out for today's gift to unwrap. Imagine my surprise when I then began enjoying the little details I'd missed during my self-absorbed huff. Things like:
Martin's near-perfect penmanship. *blink* He had a whole year of messy writing, but suddenly his writing is uniform, compact, and straight.
Philip's knack of always holding something small and random in his hand while eating, writing, brushing his teeth,...and doing chores. It annoys me terribly at times, but really, how dexterous of him.
Emily lying her crayons two-by-two on paper napkins. (Emptying the napkin dispenser in the process...) "And one for youuuu - here'ya go! Here's a nakkin."
But schoolwork was half-over - and I still hadn't gotten Tuesday's point - when I hopped on the computer to edit and return a Word doc quickly before the lunchtime meltdown, looking woefully at the clock, calculating just how much time there was left to finish school, feed the kids, pick up the place, nap the baby...and feed myself.
Toast popped up from the toaster, and when I tried to pop out of my chair, it didn't budge. Instead, it giggled.
So I found my Tuesday gift in the form of Laura, wrapping herself up in the raincoat I laid over my computer chair. She finished her Explode the Code bookwork - even those pesky K's! - and found somewhere to hide while waiting for lunch.
God is good. He loves me enough to (again) remind me to stop focusing on myself, and to enjoy these Tiny details around me. By nature I do not enjoy details unless they're straight, matching, and in alphabetical order. (It would be complicated, you know, but it's filed so neatly...rofl)
But I am just overcome by this tiny girl - growing up, thinking big thoughts, and so gifted with hand-on creativity. What a gift!
tuesday that.
ReplyDeleteToo cute! It really does take work many days to slow down and enjoy the sweetness of my kids, but I'm getting there.
ReplyDeleteI want a giggling chair too!
ReplyDeleteLove this entire thing. And you in your entirety.